Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday Bena Berry

Someone out of the two of us maturing!

I remember those late nights at Bridgewater State College, whispering in our quad: you, me, oh and our roommate Julianna because Samantha had to work early; eating at wee hours of the morning, and afterwards, listening to me lecture about the importance of brushing your teeth every night before bed.

We've shared some great times together at Bridgewater--too many to capture but enough to hold dear. What stands out to me is watching you grow from the time we meet in Shea Durgin, into a beautiful woman, who now brushes her teeth--sometimes, or at least acknowledges the importance of doing so.

I love you Bena. Happy, Happy Birthday, 3oth. Wow! And blessing for so many more, productive years.

In June, God willingly, I will be joining you.

With love,

Sasha Sawn :)

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