Friday, November 7, 2008

Breath in, Breath out and appreciate while doing it

In simple obedience to the One who gave His life so that we might live eternally, we should desire to abandon all we know for the unknown of giving our lives away for Him. Not just feeding the hungry, but entering into their hunger with them. Not just clothing them, but experiencing what it is like to want for basic necessities. Not just appeasing our conscience by writing a check, but by actually entering into their reality, a reality that needs to see Jesus.

-Steven Curtis Chapman

What amazes me about this thing we call life is the mere opportunity that we gain, starting with the first breath we take in the morning, to simply breath. That deep breath we take in - inhaling in and out is a gift that many of us innately do without thought - nonetheless it took the thought of God sending his only begotten son to die on the cross for our very sins, so that we may be have life -- and life abundantly... moreover the chance to live this life and touch other with a hand of concern, of love, of understanding.

In may of this year, a close friend of mine was diagnosed with STAGE four breast cancer. Not only was this news devastating, but at the age of 29,she has now been stricken with this disease twice. Amazingly, this second-time breast cancer survivor has the resilience of true believer - her spirit is amazing, moving and warm, so much so that it has changed my perspective in life, to the point where I too consider it a blessing to be typing right now, to be living and of course breathing. I consider every single move that I make on a daily basis, how my hands move according to the signals sent to my brain via my nervous system - to write, cook, scratch and touch.

to be continued...