There are some pictures, some moments, some memories that stop the tears from flowing, and help the heart to reconcile with the precious moments, that seem to be greater that than pain of loss. This photo reminds me of that reality. It is one that captures the essence of who you were and still are in my heart. It captures your resilient spirit; your overall make up, which was rich in giving, subtle and free. Your inner strength and overall disposition inspired me to look beyond all circumstances and simply live. As you did, so can I. I love you LaRessa. I miss you something serious. Sometimes I have to pretend that I am dreaming, She's still here, I say to myself: just to cope. I miss you thinking about me in spite of your circumstance. I miss the late night calls when you discerned there was something up with me, when you reached out of your pain to the need of your sister, me. The minute you'd ask, I'd burst in tears...God always send you to my rescue, as an angel with wide wings reaching directly to my heart. I am learning day-by-day to let the physical part of you go. And as I do, the pain lessens. Your inspiration lives on LaRessa. I remember you telling me once that if your life was to be a living testimony for one soul;if you were to live as an example; your life as a model for someone else to be touched than you were satisified. That someone LaRessa is me. And this pain will not be forever. For the love and inspiration will live on for an eternity. Until we meet again. I will fear not and know that, "Love is more than simply feelings: it is an attitude that reveals itself in action." LS