Missing you so very much, but inspired even more.
I am at Bridgewater State College in preparation mode, filling out the online application for Columbia University. The final click and send has to be done Tuesday by 12:00 a.m. I have high hopes to do it tomorrow evening and relax on Tuesday, as I took it off. I am in great spirits. Thinking great thoughts; illuminating all the unnecessary ones. My energy has been shifted and I stand in a realm of appreciation. A huge amount of my inspiration comes from your walk, lovely. Those steps you took in grace. One foot before the next to Chemo therapy, not complaining. At least not loud enough for anyone to hear, always giving thanks for what you had and demonstrating your love through the pain. I am forever grateful, my inspiration.
Your dear friend and third sister,
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A writer Just Is
I love the following response that a English Professor shared with a woman who was grappling with the idea of whether as a blogger - the line of work she does writing, if it was suffice to call herself a writer.
His response is worth sharing with the world:
"I think if you write–then you are a writer. Period. I told my students (English class) that they are all writers. Whether for money or not, recognition or not. Some of us are more financially successful than others–but that does not define our success. Believe that you are a writer. Write. And the rest will happen. Right? Write? Right????"
February 11th, 2008 at 2:06 pm
His response is worth sharing with the world:
"I think if you write–then you are a writer. Period. I told my students (English class) that they are all writers. Whether for money or not, recognition or not. Some of us are more financially successful than others–but that does not define our success. Believe that you are a writer. Write. And the rest will happen. Right? Write? Right????"
February 11th, 2008 at 2:06 pm
Monday, October 19, 2009
My lady --- Missing you

LaRessa Jean Seastrunk
December 13, 1978 to October 10, 2009
LaRessa Jean Seastrunk, 30, of Locust Street, Providence, succumbed to breast cancer Saturday, October 10 th , at Hospice Care of RI.
Born in Providence, the daughter of LaJune (Belcher) Banjo-Gadson of Lancaster, CA and Clinton Seastrunk Sr. and Maria Annette (Green) Seastrunk of Providence .
LaRessa received her Bachelor's of Science in Social Work from Tennessee State University. Upon graduation she worked as a program supervisor at The Work Family Connection Inc., Oldwick, NJ. Then she took positions as a Family Service Specialist and Litigation Specialist at The Division of Youth & Family Services, Flemington, NJ.
After relocating to Providence, LaRessa worked as a social work coordinator at the Jane Brown Inpatient Psychiatry Unit of Rhode Island Hospital. And lastly she worked as a social worker for the American Cancer Society, Boston, MA.
Besides her parents, she is survived by son, Jon Alston Jr. of Potomac, MD, brothers, Clinton Seastrunk Jr. and LaMarr Trisvan, both of Providence, and sisters, LaShon Beamon of Potomac, MD and LaChell Trisvan of Cranford, NJ.
Funeral 11am Saturday at Holy Cross Church Of God In Church United , 1014 Broad Street, Providence. Burial will be in Swan Point Cemetery, Providence. Viewing 7-9pm Friday in Bright Funeral Home, 290 Public Street, Providence. In lieu of flowers send donations to Jon Alston Jr. Bank of America Acct: 226002504647.
Click To View Condolence Messages
Bright Funeral Home
290 Public Street
Providence, RI 02905
Fax 401-331-6397
"For Those Who Care"
Soul --- Less
Though it feel as if a part of my soul has been resurrected, I have no choice but to continue believing that the pain will lessen in time. A part of my soul feels empty; silence enters in where words lived -- words of engorgement words of hope, words of support that strengthened me. Void has crept where there was fullness of life, detracting from what once was. When I find rest I can say where I am weak, He is strong and it is less death to the soul and more strength. In time.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Strengthened Spiritually
"LaRessa would want you to take care of yourself. She would also want everyone to be at peace knowing that she is in a better place. A place where there is no more tears, no more pain, and no more sorrow. She left us LJ to love and cherish in her memory. We must keep up our strength for this darling little boy. LaRessa fought the good fight of faith and ran the race with endurance. She is now resting in the bosom of her Savior and Lord Jesus Christ."
Cheryl Albright
When I need it most, it comes from the depths of many souls. Souls who know best. Souls who are at places where they not only empathize but understand because they too are facing a severe loss. With every loss, however, comes gain. I can truly say I have gained such a great deal of strength from my lovely friend, LaRessa. I looked her in her eyes so many times and told her within the last few weeks that I loved her so much; that she has no idea how much she has inspired me; that she is special. I feel strengthened because I know what I had before this and what I have now. I have a friend in heaven, one whose since of love, support and spiritual dominion over my life has increased the minute she ascended to the higher place in heaven. She has risen to not just my friend, or playing the role of an older sister, but to now my angel with wings that fly higher than any circumstance I am facing; that encourages me out of the pain she was in with total victory in the spiritual realm of which I need and gleam toward everyday.
Cheryl Albright
When I need it most, it comes from the depths of many souls. Souls who know best. Souls who are at places where they not only empathize but understand because they too are facing a severe loss. With every loss, however, comes gain. I can truly say I have gained such a great deal of strength from my lovely friend, LaRessa. I looked her in her eyes so many times and told her within the last few weeks that I loved her so much; that she has no idea how much she has inspired me; that she is special. I feel strengthened because I know what I had before this and what I have now. I have a friend in heaven, one whose since of love, support and spiritual dominion over my life has increased the minute she ascended to the higher place in heaven. She has risen to not just my friend, or playing the role of an older sister, but to now my angel with wings that fly higher than any circumstance I am facing; that encourages me out of the pain she was in with total victory in the spiritual realm of which I need and gleam toward everyday.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Soul Inspired
Inspiration that Moves my Soul
One step at a time. As my favorite uncle said to me the other day, "Niece, don't look at the whole picture, take small steps and try not to stress." Much younger than my wise uncle but as in tuned, Mr. Fernandez, my caring neighbor shared with me a simple analogy, "when you make an apple pie, what do you do? You mix all the ingredients, right? And when its done you eat one slice at a time." Seconds after the revelation struck...i realized that looking at the entire circumstance at one glace is like eating an entire pie in one sitting. It is not digestible -- nor feasible, nor healthy, nor productive. It is a fact that a baby takes one step at a time, while learning to walk; animals know when to hunt and gather innately and when to rest. So, why is it us humans often take too many steps forward into what can not be managed or solved instantaneously. That answer to that is unknown but what I am learning more and more is to lean not on my own understanding, but to trust in the spirit that has been given unto me. The spirit of creativity: of strength: the spirit of movement. I know that it is necessary to breath in sometimes and like my cousin said, clock in and clock out, do what I can in the hours that I can (much like any job) and then sign out. I reflect from the Randolph Public Library after a really peace filled day, working simultaneously on my third job. I will not stop, Neil Lee. I will keep going and writing while taking this journey, thanking each of you for your living inspiration that moves my very soul.
With love,
One step at a time. As my favorite uncle said to me the other day, "Niece, don't look at the whole picture, take small steps and try not to stress." Much younger than my wise uncle but as in tuned, Mr. Fernandez, my caring neighbor shared with me a simple analogy, "when you make an apple pie, what do you do? You mix all the ingredients, right? And when its done you eat one slice at a time." Seconds after the revelation struck...i realized that looking at the entire circumstance at one glace is like eating an entire pie in one sitting. It is not digestible -- nor feasible, nor healthy, nor productive. It is a fact that a baby takes one step at a time, while learning to walk; animals know when to hunt and gather innately and when to rest. So, why is it us humans often take too many steps forward into what can not be managed or solved instantaneously. That answer to that is unknown but what I am learning more and more is to lean not on my own understanding, but to trust in the spirit that has been given unto me. The spirit of creativity: of strength: the spirit of movement. I know that it is necessary to breath in sometimes and like my cousin said, clock in and clock out, do what I can in the hours that I can (much like any job) and then sign out. I reflect from the Randolph Public Library after a really peace filled day, working simultaneously on my third job. I will not stop, Neil Lee. I will keep going and writing while taking this journey, thanking each of you for your living inspiration that moves my very soul.
With love,
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Inspiration that Moves my Soul
One step at a time. As my favorite uncle said to me the other day, "Niece, don't look at the whole picture, take small steps and try not to stress." Much younger than my wise uncle but as in tuned, Mr. Fernandez, my caring shared with me a simple analogy, "when you make an apple pie, what do you do? You mix all the ingredients, right? And when its done you eat one slice at a time." Seconds after the revelation struck...looking at entire the circumstance at one glace is like eating an entire pie in one sitting. It is not digestible -- nor feasible, nor healthy, nor productive. It is a fact that baby takes one step at a time, while learning to walk; animals know when to hunt and gather innately and when to rest. So, why is it us humans often take too many steps forward into what can not be managed or solved instantaneously. That answer to that is unknown but what I am learning more and more is to lean not on my own understanding, but to trust in the spirit that has been given unto me. The spirit of creativity: of strength: the spirit of movement. I know that it is necessary to breath in sometimes and like my cousin said, clock in and clock out, do what I can in the hours that I can (much like any job) and then sign out. I reflect from the Randolph Public Library after a really peace filled day, working simultaneously on my third job. I will not stop, Neil Lee. I will keep going and writing while taking this, thanking each of you for your living inspiration that moves my very soul.
With love,
With love,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Facing the Challenge
This year, this walk has not been easy. But I will tell you one thing I have learned a great deal that has turned out to be of more significance than what has appeared as the problem. It has been a significant amount of time since I blogged. I am walking toward so much victory that the issues I have been facing have undoubtedly clouded my vision. Nonetheless, I am seeing a bit more clearly now. I see the light as they say, at the end of the tunnel and most importantly I see myself getting through this mess, moving on to a brighter future. I read a quote last night while cleaning through my piles of wrinkled "important papers" a mess i like to call it, organizing so that I can continue to be productive. The quote stated something along the lines that without the problem, you would have no resolution. I will get the direct quote and share at a later date, but my mentioning it has much to do with the direction life sometimes takes us.
While we imagine the chaos as strain and stress that sometimes is so overwhelming fostering feelings of our wanting to simply remove our attention from the matter, to throw in the towel, to stop in our tracks and quit -- (as if that is the holistic solution to making the problem go away) when in actuality it is as my father often refers to the journey in life not the destination or the place you are currently in, or have unwillingly landed.
Facing the challenge is what is what matters: One step at a time. It builds character and strength, it shapes us and creates in most cases innovative individuals who think different and want more and understand that challenges come to mold us.
Be blessed,
While we imagine the chaos as strain and stress that sometimes is so overwhelming fostering feelings of our wanting to simply remove our attention from the matter, to throw in the towel, to stop in our tracks and quit -- (as if that is the holistic solution to making the problem go away) when in actuality it is as my father often refers to the journey in life not the destination or the place you are currently in, or have unwillingly landed.
Facing the challenge is what is what matters: One step at a time. It builds character and strength, it shapes us and creates in most cases innovative individuals who think different and want more and understand that challenges come to mold us.
Be blessed,
Friday, March 13, 2009
He will do what he said he will do...
Today’s Scripture
“Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice” (Isaiah 41:10, AMP).
“Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice” (Isaiah 41:10, AMP).
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Where two or more gather in my name...I am in the presence
I have a mentor who is truly a man of God. When he speaks, he speaks from his heart: truth, liberating and moving. Today was a day that I will reflect on for the rest of my life. A day that I acknowledge as...a divine appointment. I always say to him that when he speaks, I can't help but to write away, each word landing, resonating such truth, words so profound. Today I took over two pages of notes...notes that I can refer back to at times I need a spiritual boost. to be cont....
Friday, January 2, 2009
His ways are not ours
It was recently that I watched come to pass the word that was spoken, presented in a vision. Roughly a year ago, I recall seeing a vision of connecting with this person for a greater purpose. One in which I was not clear of, but had much to do with Kingdom building. It was a peculiar vision, nonetheless I did not deny the reality of it coming to pass. Instead I held on to the notion accordingly to Hebrews 13:12 Equipt you in every good thing to do His will. "May this God of peace prepare you to do every good thing He wants," as stated in the word. "May He work in us through Jesus Christ to do what is pleasing to him."
I remind myself that his ways are not my ways. Knowing this I lean on the notion that he has a plan, not my plan Lord, but your be done. Know my will, but according to your will let it be done, let it manifest. I know this...
to be cont...
I remind myself that his ways are not my ways. Knowing this I lean on the notion that he has a plan, not my plan Lord, but your be done. Know my will, but according to your will let it be done, let it manifest. I know this...
to be cont...
Changing the Pace of my life one step at a time
The last time I wrote was a few days before the Celebrating of Life for my dear friend, LaRessa. What a weekend it was - from beginning to the end, her vision was manifested and I was blessed to be apart of it.
It is January 2, 2009. A New Year, a chance to tackle some new goals as a special person recently shared.
A simple goal for me is to take every step toward Living my Life with purpose, loving passionately, loving God with passion, giving thanks, stopping the complaining -- sensitive to the spirit, walking in grace, at a focused pace, placing myself in the place to hear from the spirit, relaxed and ready to listen. Thank you Joyce Meyer for teaching me how to enjoy everyday life.
"But by fervent prayer let us seek to be filled with the Spirit, and to avoid whatever may grieve our gracious Comforter. All God's people have reason to sing for joy. Though we are not always singing, we should be always giving thanks; we should never want disposition for this duty, as we never want matter for it, through the whole course of our lives. Always, even in trials and afflictions, and for all things; being satisfied of their loving intent, and good tendency. God keeps believers from sinning against him, and engages them to submit one to another in all he has commanded, to promote his glory, and to fulfil their duties to each other."
- Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
It is January 2, 2009. A New Year, a chance to tackle some new goals as a special person recently shared.
A simple goal for me is to take every step toward Living my Life with purpose, loving passionately, loving God with passion, giving thanks, stopping the complaining -- sensitive to the spirit, walking in grace, at a focused pace, placing myself in the place to hear from the spirit, relaxed and ready to listen. Thank you Joyce Meyer for teaching me how to enjoy everyday life.
"But by fervent prayer let us seek to be filled with the Spirit, and to avoid whatever may grieve our gracious Comforter. All God's people have reason to sing for joy. Though we are not always singing, we should be always giving thanks; we should never want disposition for this duty, as we never want matter for it, through the whole course of our lives. Always, even in trials and afflictions, and for all things; being satisfied of their loving intent, and good tendency. God keeps believers from sinning against him, and engages them to submit one to another in all he has commanded, to promote his glory, and to fulfil their duties to each other."
- Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
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