Inspiration that Moves my Soul
One step at a time. As my favorite uncle said to me the other day, "Niece, don't look at the whole picture, take small steps and try not to stress." Much younger than my wise uncle but as in tuned, Mr. Fernandez, my caring neighbor shared with me a simple analogy, "when you make an apple pie, what do you do? You mix all the ingredients, right? And when its done you eat one slice at a time." Seconds after the revelation struck...i realized that looking at the entire circumstance at one glace is like eating an entire pie in one sitting. It is not digestible -- nor feasible, nor healthy, nor productive. It is a fact that a baby takes one step at a time, while learning to walk; animals know when to hunt and gather innately and when to rest. So, why is it us humans often take too many steps forward into what can not be managed or solved instantaneously. That answer to that is unknown but what I am learning more and more is to lean not on my own understanding, but to trust in the spirit that has been given unto me. The spirit of creativity: of strength: the spirit of movement. I know that it is necessary to breath in sometimes and like my cousin said, clock in and clock out, do what I can in the hours that I can (much like any job) and then sign out. I reflect from the Randolph Public Library after a really peace filled day, working simultaneously on my third job. I will not stop, Neil Lee. I will keep going and writing while taking this journey, thanking each of you for your living inspiration that moves my very soul.
With love,
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