Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lessons from a Wise Man

"Do anything like you do everything," he said.

It's been over a year since I started working on the cardiac medicine unit, at Brigham and Women's Hospital--which happens to be an entirely different road than journalism.

I took this road, this journey I'll call it...unknowing, back then uncertain, of the rich experiences that awaited me. Today, when I look around at every registered nurse that I work hand and hand with, on a day to day basis, I see women and men of purpose, whom after long, extraneous academic journey's, long nights of studying, mastering and finally yearning for to complete that part of their journey, to move on, to put the degree as certified caregivers to the test, Like I, I've found they too have purpose, aspirations, desires to satisfy their craving.

Though the role I play in the business of care giving, deems different to some, my purpose lives within me. My stop at Brigham has had meaning. And in my times of reflection, I think of what he said, that wise man...that cold winter day, when he completely cconsoled me, helping me understand, in my time of wanting to do much more, as a writer, a creative thinker...that simply to "Do anything like you do everything" is a sincere way to live life.

I imagined this and thought:

"Like I meticiously write stories?"

"Like I creatively make gift baskets?"

I can certainly "Do anything like you do everything." It makes me think. Better yet it makes me desire, appreciate that this amongst many more inspiration conversations we engage in, this thought trails with me day to day. And like great combat in any battle in life , just when I need it most what lives within speaks volumes to my situation.

Making me think, live and practice...

"Work[ing] as if you have no money.
Lov[ing] as if you have never been hurt.
Danc[ing] like no one is watching.
Sing[ing] like no one is listening.

Today and forever, I live as if it were my last.

Thanks Mr. Lee

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